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Archive for category: Tips
In our Digital Marketing Tips we share insights on various topics.
What is a Brand Ad in Google Search & Why Might You Need One?
Rob, , Blog, Digital Marketing Strategy, Tips, Google Ads, ResourcesA Brand campaign is when you set up an ad to run in Google Search for when people search...
How To Spy On Your Competitors’ Search Ads
Rob, , Blog, Digital Marketing Strategy, Tips, Google Ads, ResourcesCurious to know if your competitors are running Search Ads and, if so, what they are saying in their...
In 2020 Google Launched their Advertiser Identity Verification program. In short, they wanted to crack down on folks using...
Your Checklist for Optimizing Your Service Pages for Search
Rob, , Blog, Tips, Service Pages, StrategyOnce you’ve created a great service page, it’s critical that people (and Search Engines) can actually find the page....
How to Build a Great Service Page
Rob, , Blog, Digital Marketing Strategy, Tips, Service Pages, StrategyIn our Service Pages post we’ve already discussed why it’s critical that you create individual service pages for your most important...
Service Pages: Why They Are Critically Important
Rob, , Blog, Digital Marketing Strategy, Tips, SEO, Service PagesA lot of websites have a single page where they highlight all their services on the one page. While...
Link Strategies to SuperSize Your Blogging
Rob, , Blog, Digital Marketing Strategy, Tips, Content Strategy, StrategyBlogging is awesome. Sadly, a majority of small to medium sized clients we work with get near-zero traffic to...
The fact that you can create a Google Ads account and have ads running in about a half hour...
The biggest reason most advertising doesn’t work is that people use the wrong type of advertising for the goals...
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